Monday, October 17, 2005

Obligatory Political Musing

Since there's no election this year, YT supposes it can't be a political rant. Looks like the "values" crowd has overreached, so any digs at them in the novel might soon be passe. Looks like a lot of the crowd in power has overreached, and have been caught up short by a couple of the reasons Americans traditionally prefer clean, competent government.

Now the triangle trade of corporate cash for lopsided majorities for favors to cronies is coming unraveled. The ol' Brico predicts one of three things will happen in the next half year.

1. Massive indifference by the public.
2. Gov't officials going to jail in Reaganesque numbers.
3. Greek tragedy.

Or maybe the country is already working its way down the list, item by item. In any event, with a quiet November coming up, except for Mayor and City Council in Detroit, there will not be the distractions from noveling like last year's.

Thinking back over the last three years, though, and all the people who've had the public ear, YT finds it easy to tweak their extremism lightly to form a societal backdrop for Drunkard's Leap.

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