Off to a slow start, YT spent some time today to get organized. Decamping to the write-in at the Troy Public Library helped. YT is still not sure how to really get this novel off the ground, but he has a few scenes sketched out. Maybe that will be enough.
NOVEL TITLE: Twenty Three Slow
SYNOPSIS: Many city dwellers have given up owning private cars. They hire electric vehicles by the hour. When these rental cars begin stopping at random during rush hours, an engineer on the fringe of the industry searches for the reason why.
Now, to get into the flow of words...
Word Count after most of 1 day: 1,089
Saturday, November 01, 2008
NaNoWriMo Begins
Posted by
Wes The Brico- leur
9:25 PM
Monday, October 27, 2008
Taking Stock
Now it can be revealed... 2008 is YT's lucky year. Lost a job last Christmas, but with a decent severance, got a better job by the end of January. Not bad, but by May had an even better job, and they called YT. So now YT is off determining the future of the driving public.
Well, maybe not so grand a role in automotive culture, but YT is delighted to find there are decent employers in the auto industry. There's more, though. On September 13 YT had a heart attack. Half an hour from onset, the doctors were poking holes in convenient places, and soon after, YT had three stents in his chest and a new lease on life. Tomorrow is round two, more blockages to be cleared, more metal to go into YT's chest via the femoral artery.
That comment from mid-November last year about napping and zoning out in front of the TV, that should have been a clue. Now, the weight's going down, YT feels rested, many things are changing. All this and a good plot for NaNoWrimo... Gentle Readers, you might not believe this, but life is good this year, and about damn time.
Posted by
Wes The Brico- leur
11:01 PM
Kickoff Party!
Well, sixteen people showed up for the Detroit kickoff party yesterday. The scary thing is, YT remembers most of them from previous years. So this year it was the hard core partying, a full six days before the start of NaNoWriMo 2008.
Lots of enthusiasm comes through on the forum, and certainly came through in person. The timing is odd this year, with the kickoff so early. Good news, though, November has five weekends.
Posted by
Wes The Brico- leur
10:54 PM